Reclaim Your Health
Restore Your Temple
Let’s ditch the band aid approach & get to the root cause of those annoying & debilitating symptoms!

Hey There! welcome! Are you ready to restore your temple?
You’re in the right place my friend if you are sick and tired of your symptoms being brushed off. Even worse, you have been told countless of times your labs are “normal” but yet you still feel horrible. So, let me ask you:
Are you tired of those pesky digestive symptoms taking over your life?
How would your life transform if the following common but most certainly NOT normal symptoms were in the rear-view mirror? And yes, all of these are symptoms!
leaky gut
food sensitivities
indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux, & GERD
SIBO (small intestinal bacteria overgrowth)
bloating & excessive gas
constipation & diarrhea and/or a combination of both
migraines & headaches
skin symptoms: eczema, psoriasis, dry skin, & acne
poor sleep: difficulty getting to sleep & staying asleep
neurological symptoms: depression, anxiety, OCD, dementia, ADD, ADHD, bipolar, & brain fog
hormonal imbalances
gallbladder symptoms: sludge, gallstones, & gallbladder attacks
food cravings especially sugar
halitosis (bad breath)
poor immune system: chronic colds, sinus & upper respiratory infections, etc.
“All disease begins in the gut.”
Work with Lisa
1st Step: Free 20 min Discovery Call
Let’s chat! Discover if Nutritional Therapy can be beneficial to your particular health concerns.
2nd Step: Initial Evaluation
Let the root cause detective work begin! This is a 90 min VERY in depth evaluation.
3rd Step: 3 or 6 Month Temple Restore
Begin your protocol tailored to your bio-individual needs.
• What my clients are saying
• What my clients are saying
1 Corinthians 3:16-17